Saturday, February 25, 2012

2Do: Another daily task manager, with a twist

There has been no shortage of ToDo apps recently. But most of the apps, trying to achieve too less or too little, fail to provide a smooth experience to the end user.
2Do, in this regard focuses on basic offline capabilities to deliver a fast and straightforward personal task management.
Main feature of the UX being a beautiful Swype enabled list access, where user can scroll both vertically and horizontally.
Horizontal swyping gives access to the three list categorised on priority level "Important", "Normal" & "Low"
Multiple entries could be stored in each list, which could be accessed swping vertically.
Each entry could be supplied with a note(optional). Modification time is automatically stored. Checkbox is provided on each entry to quickly toggle entry status.
Clicking on the entry takes user to EDIT page, (long click opens context menu) giving access to all the info and the default Qt text editor. With options to insert present or custom date time footer.
There's an option to mass delete completed entries, which could be found and deleted permanantly in the archieves page

The whole UI is based on Qt Quick elements thus making it natively fluid and visually elegant.
Future versions will have more features in the entries, and more flexible handling options. Online sync is also being looked in to.

All feedback and support will be hugely appreciated.

The app is currently available from Nokia store. 
From here (A free version is also planned)


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